interesting, Mark, with the links giving me plenty of fodder for follow-up reading. Did you happen to look at the app called Minutiae? It preceded Be Real by a bit I believe.

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Haven't seen Minutiae. I'll take a look. The WSJ article mentions two other apps that I didn't recognize: Yo and Frontback. I'm going to watch BeReal to see how they actually develop a business plan, which seems to be the really sticky thing in social media. They could sell out. They might even have to in order to keep the VC wolves at bay.

I'd eventually like to spell out how Flusser's "definition of a photograph" might inform discussion of the new, very powerful imaging "apparatuses" function and define human creativity (at least in imaging). I didn't think a 'stack post would be appropriate, since many might just find it too philosophical and boring. The link to Woodall's "Telematic Society" moves in the direction I'd like to advance.

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