I’d count this a success ... but I have some thoughts I need to send you separately, too much for the comments section

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Emails are great, and I'm eager to see what you have to say. The podcast medium is hard for me to get my head around, since I'm not much of a podcast listener. I am beginning to line up my next one, though. It'll probably be an interview/dialogue with a friend, artist, and colleague. I think interaction is inherently more interesting than one person droning on and on. I was quite surprised that the podcast was about 30 minutes long. My script estimated that it would be about 17 minutes or so.

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SUCH a great listen, Mark! I loved all that you had to say, and the sound effects were a cracking touch.

(I'm afraid I had to pause your delivery for a moment while I called up the Queen of the Night aria to listen to in its entirety - your clip of it had led to an aural itch requiring immediate scratching - but I soon switched back!)

Can't wait for the next one. Bravo!

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That aria is a powerful one. And The Magic Flute is one of my favorite operas. I very clearly recall listening to the whole Met performance in the garage. Such a great one and super for the holidays! https://www.metopera.org/season/2022-23-season/the-magic-flute/ -- see the pictures!

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Ooooh, great link - thanks!

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Oooooh! Have saved this to listen to in my lunchbreak - right now I *should* be writing....! 😳 Looking forward to it!

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by Mark R DeLong

Very professional! Sound effects and all! And I LOVED your comparison of cars and opera!

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I kinda stumbled into the opera background music, simply because of my schedule, though in some ways, it was a reacquaintance, since when I was young, I spent time with my father in our garage with the Met singing in the background.

I envy you for living closer to the Met.

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The Met is always magical!

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Impressive, Mark! I enjoyed this podcast and look forward to the next installment.

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Thanks, Holly. I listened to it myself, and I guess it's a decent first run at the medium. It's so weird to hear your own voice, you know. I think I'll stick with doing a podcast quarterly if time allows. Right now I don't know what I'll do for the next podcast, but I figure I have a couple months to think about it!

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