Oh Mark, such a glorious post - thank you so much for exploring the tea debate in a number of new directions. Microwave? SALT?! I feel as if I need a lie-down...

I've laughed my whole way through this delightful read on a Saturday morning Substack catch-up after days of not being at my desk - like a cup of tea itself it's been a real tonic!

Thank you so much for the mentions and the links. What a really lovely post! 😊

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Did they figure out the tea thing after some empathetic folks salvaged tea from Boston Harbour? Because then it would historical AND scientific. ☕️🧪

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Hilarious, Mark. I would have responded sooner but Elaine had to revive me with smelling salts after I'd read the part about microwaving the tea. (Hilarious press release, BTW!) Have you ever tried it? It is DISGUSTING. Even more disgusting than <yeuccchhh> tea bags. I am reasonably certain that microwaving tea will seem perfectly acceptable to Rebecca, given that she has no taste. But connoiseurs such as myself (I say in all modesty) will have no truck with it. I hadn't heard of that book, but I might try the salted tea version on either Elaine or the cats. Thanks for all the mentions, and a very chortlesome read, Mark!

By the way, you do realise, I trust, that you have now started a new front in the tea wars?

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Terry, how DARE you? MICROWAVING tea?! Never mind MAKING tea in the microwave, I don't even REHEAT it in there - if I haven't drunk it while it's still very, very hot, I'm afraid it gets ditched altogether.

Might try the salt thing, though. I'm intrigued....! I'll report back in my next letter! 😁

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I will try it too. Now where's Minty?

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Oh, no! Another front! Salty, too.

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