this is the second discussion I have seen of Braverman in the context of GPT. As always your thoughts are very inciteful. For this technology to elevate the normies, college degree requirements, especially in C.S. or equivalent years of experience, for traditional nerd jobs will have to dramatically decrease. I worry that the big 3 clouds are going to leverage their data gravity advantage to basically have senior and junior nerd workers train the cloud provider models to replace those nerd job descriptions in 5 years, while also locking enterprises into one cloud in the process.

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At this point it's getting hard to see the true capabilities of AI through the fog of hype that is wafting through. I think there's little doubt that the technology will displace and reorder work, but the mystery remains ... how? what? Mapping the skills that will suffer from displacement is a really complex task when it comes to AI, unlike the more straightforward task that Bright and Braverman considered. Machines are transparent. AI is not, and I think that the AI companies like it that way for now.

Have a very good and restful and meaningful Christmas, Darin! And it you see him, send my greetings to the Other Darrin, too!

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will do Mark. When do you send out the yearly 'O magnum mysterium'?

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